What skills to train if you dedicate yourself to Human Resources?
What skills to train if you dedicate yourself to Human Resources?
They have been working in the Human Resources area for a few years and interacting with professional partners in this sector. Managing the talent of people in organizations carries a great responsibility.
When we agree, we meet and comment on what is the profile of personal skills that we consider desirable in a Human Resources professional, do you know what we conclude? We think that some of the most important qualities to do a good job in the evaluation and development of talent are:
High capacity for learning and adaptation. The human resources area changes with the company and requires a continuous review of objectives and goals. We must adapt to the strategic plan of the organization and the possible changes of direction that must be made due to external circumstances. An attitude of openness, learning, flexibility, and continuous improvement is necessary.
Assertiveness and active listening. Assertiveness understood as the style of communication where there are self-affirmation and expression of emotions, opinions, and ideas without offending the other person. You need to demonstrate a patient mood and be willing to listen before acting. Listen to understand, to be able to apply appropriate strategies or guidelines to the situation.
Conciliatory spirit. No company is conflict-free. Our social condition leads us to interpersonal conflicts. Good human resources professionals will act equitably and responsibly in the face of conflict situations that appear among the people who make up the organization.
Great negotiation skills. Human resources management implies being the link between the company and the employees. This mediator position requires a
permanent negotiation capacity. Empathy is crucial to conduct the negotiation of conflicts and find a point where the interests of all involved coincide.
Ability to observe and analyze. Good human resources professional will know how to detect and evaluate the qualities of employees. Besides, you should know the tools to facilitate your work in this regard, such as the talent map.
They are not the only ones (nor exclusive to professionals in the Human Resources area). But yes, we consider that they are necessary for the development of our profession. And of course, become aware if these or other skills are already part of our behavioral repertoire or if they need to be acquired and trained.
Training of the HR function.
We train and train professionals in the Human Resources area, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their duties successfully, focusing our actions on providing practical and day-to-day tools adapted to specific needs.
● Solutions offered
● Training on the ground
● Custom-designed training workshops.
● Individual and group mentoring
● Support in the implementation of Human Resources policies, providing human resource training course, advice and training.

Effective Management