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May 22, 2024 | Miscellaneous

Mental Health Considerations in Legal Disputes and Litigation

A balance scale on a table, the symbol of justice

Mental health has a great impact on the outcomes of many legal cases. In criminal cases, it can affect defenses and sentencing. In civil cases, it can influence decisions in family law, whereas in the workplace, it can lead to discrimination claims. Understanding mental health considerations in legal disputes and litigation will help everyone involved receive fair treatment and ensure the results are just.

Instances of Mental Health Considerations in Legal Disputes and Litigation

To understand what we mean by considering mental health when it comes to legal cases, we need to explore mental health considerations in:

  1. Criminal cases
  2. Civil cases
  3. Workplace law

Mental Health in Criminal Cases

Mental Disorder Defense

In criminal cases, there is a mental disorder defense. It is when someone claims they were not responsible for their actions because they have a mental illness. A mental disorder is proven in different ways in the US, but the most common is the M’Naghten Rule. It is a test that determines whether the person knew right from wrong when they committed a crime. Another way to determine this is by using the Model Penal Code rule. It looks at whether the person could understand their actions were wrong or control their behavior. A well-known case that used the mental disorder defense is when John Hinckley Jr. tried to kill President Ronald Reagan. He was not found guilty.

Competency to Stand Trial

Another instance of mental health considerations in legal disputes and litigation is competency to stand trial. This simply means that the defendant needs to understand the charges against them and can help with their defense. A judge may order a competency evaluation by a psychologist or psychiatrist if there is a concern about a defendant’s mental state. If a defendant is found incompetent, they can’t go to a trial until their competency is restored. If it can’t be restored by medication or therapy, the charges might be dropped.

A therapist during individual therapy


Mental health can lead to mitigation in sentencing as well. A mental illness might lead to a lighter sentence. If someone has a severe mental health issue, they might be sentenced to treatment instead of prison time.

Mental Health in Civil Cases

Just like you can seek compensation for burn injuries and other physical injuries, you can do the same for psychological ones, like PTSD or depression. You will need to prove that the incident caused this injury. With the right evidence, it can be done. That includes medical records, therapy notes, and possibly journals documenting your mental state. A testimony from an expert will help here. They can explain how the event caused your injuries and impacted your life.

Custody Issues

There are mental health considerations in legal disputes and litigations when it comes to custody and visitation issues as well. Courts prioritize the children’s best interests, so they may order mental health evaluations to help them decide. For instance, if you have a mental health condition that prevents you from parenting safely, you might not get custody and may get limited visitation rights.

A person talking to a lawyer about mental health considerations in legal disputes and litigation

Mental Health and Workplace Law

If you have a mental health disability, you can apply for disability benefits. You will need to provide medical documentation of your condition to claim benefits. Your condition must significantly limit one or more major life activities. This can include working, learning, or caring for yourself. You will need your doctor or a mental health professional to confirm this. Apart from that, you might have to get evaluated by a government-appointed doctor.

Work Environment

Some people experience harassment and a hostile work environment. Work involves many hours of your day, which means that this will very likely affect your mental health. Bullying, verbal abuse, or unfair treatment on a regular basis can hurt your well-being. You will need to prove that harassment caused you damage. Detailed records of incidents, including dates, times, and witnesses, will help you with this.

Preventative Measures

Even though the public exaggerates the link between mental illness and crime, we cannot say that these two are not connected. Many biological and psychosocial aspects tie them together. It is important to emphasize that people with mental health issues are no more violent than the average person, if they are receiving proper treatment.

So, what can be done? Firstly, mental health services should be accessible to everybody. Many states try their best to accomplish this. Georgia is a prime example, with the recent Georgia Mental Health Parity Act, signed into law in 2022. This act aims to get insurers to cover substance use disorder and mental health services equally as physical health services. The insurers need to report data to the state to prove their compliance. Also, it establishes a process for consumers to file complaints if they face unfair denials of coverage.

How Mental Health Care Will Help

Taking care of mental health is a must, as it can prevent issues from arising in the first place. If you feel like you’re struggling with a mental illness, you need to seek help from professionals. It is very important to start working on your mental health early. This is precisely why access to these services is important and the reason for interventions in the likes of the Georgia Mental Health Parity Act. With easier access, people can get support and treatment from mental health facilities that accept a wide range of insurance plans.

One of the more prominent and renowned rehab centers, Time Wellness Georgia, aims to help people reach sobriety in the most peaceful and convenient way possible. They offer tailored care that suits your unique condition and gives you personalized solutions for the mental health issues that trouble you. Therapy and counseling that includes cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT), and biofeedback therapy—among many others—can teach you healthy ways to cope with stress and emotional difficulties. This solves your problems before they escalate and cause legal issues.

A therapist taking notes while listening to a client

Get Mental Health Support and Stay Safe

There are many ways mental health intersects with various legal areas, such as mental disorder defense, personal injuries, and custody. Knowing the law and getting help from an attorney who specializes in this field will help you get just outcomes. Besides knowing about mental health considerations in legal disputes and litigation, you should consider taking care of your mental health and take care of the very root of the problem. Having solved your mental health issues, you will think more clearly, make better judgments, and stay away from legal troubles.

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